The catchment


Catchment and main hydrometric stations


Hydrometric station Zin Massos

Nahal (Wadi) Zin is one of the major arteries draining 1400 km2 of the mountainous northern Negev Desert, Israel into the Dead Sea. Elevations range from 400 m below to 1000 m above sea level. In general exposed bedrock and shallow rocky, partly loessial soils dominate the terrain. Along the main channel three hydrometric stations are operated by the Israel Hydrological Service (IHS):
Zin Mapal, Zin Massos and Zin Aqrabim.

The catchment is located in the arid, southern part of Israel and has hot and dry summers with occasional winter rains whose annual average ranges between 60 and 90 mm.

Photographic Tour