Spatial pattern of the seasonality of precipitation and floods
The time and space patterns of daily rainfall and flood peaks of different magnitude were investigated
for the southwest of Germany. Directional statistics were used to investigate the seasonality
of these variables for 215 catchments (10 to 954 km²). Distinct spatial patterns were found,
in particular for heavy rainfall. In addition, the correlation of heavy rainfall in different seasons
and the occurrence of atmospheric circulation patterns were analyzed. This lead also to distinct
spatial patterns, which are widely defined by the topography, what is the first order control of
the seasonality of precipitation and floods in the investigated area. Finally, it could be shown,
that homogenous regions are more distinct with increasing extremity of the flood events. This
reveals the suitability of the seasonality to define homogenous regions for flood frequency analysis
because these regions are defined by the same dominating processes controlling especially extreme
flood events.

Key publications:

  • Uhlenbrook S., Steinbrich A., 2002: Einflussgrößen auf die Hochwasserbildung im regionalen
    Maßstab und die Saisonalität von Hochwasser in Baden-Württemberg (Influences on the flood
    generation at the regional scale and seasonality of floods in Baden-Württemberg; in German).
    Zeitschrift Wasser & Boden, 54/10, 8-15.
  • Steinbrich A., Uhlenbrook S., Leibundgut Ch., 2002: Relevance of the Seasonality of Precipitation
    and Floods for Flood Estimation in Southwest Germany. Proceedings of the International Conference
    on Flood Estimation, March 6-8, 2002, Berne, Switzerland, CHR-KHR Report II-17, 357-366.
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